Chemistry : Questions Review

chemistry : questions review


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questions reviews from form 1 - 4

    1. define the following terms;-
      1. chemistry
      2. chemist
      3. al-chemist
    2. mention importances of studying chemistry
    3. mention application of chemistry
    4. mention areas where chemistry is applied

    1. define "laboratory"
    2. mention laboratory rules 95 points
    1. what is;-
      1. first aid
      2. first aid kit
    2. mention importances of first aid
    3. mention the importance of first aid
    4. mention and gives the use of items found in the first aid kit
  1. mention procedure for helping who got faint
    1. mention five chemistry labolatory apparatus and its functions
    2. what is warning sign?
    3. draw five warning sign and their meaning

    1. define the following;-
      1. heat
      2. flame
      3. bunsen burner
    2. mention categories of heat sources,with aid of example
    3. mention heat sources used in the laboratory
    4. mention procedures of starting bunsen burner

    1. mention types of flames
    2. mention the differences of types of flame
    3. mention the use of flames
    1. what is scientific procedure
    2. mention main steps of scientific procedures
    3. mention application of scientific procedure
    4. what is the aim of the experiment
    1. what is;-
      1. matter
      2. melting point
      3. boiling point
    2. mention states of matter and their examples
    3. sow how one state can change to another state
    1. mention importances of changing states of matter
    2. what is brownian motion
    3. define physical change and chemical change with their examples
    4. differentiate between chamical change and physical change

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