Biology : Questions Review

biology : questions review



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questions reviews from form 1 - 4

    1. define the following terms;-
      1. biology
      2. bios
      3. logos
    2. mention and define branches of biology
    3. mention the characteristics of living things
    4. mention importance of studying biology
    1. explain areas where biology is applied
    2. explain three (3) basic skills in biology

    1. mention scientific procedure
    2. define laboratory
    3. mention biology laboratory
  1. mention features of good laboratory (6 points)
  2. mention six (06) laboratory rules

  3. distinguish between biology laboratory from other school facilities (05 points)
    1. define "first aid"
    2. what is first aid kit
    3. mention importance of first aid
    4. mention with function five (05) items found in first aid kit
  4. explain how can you help person who stinged by bee
    1. define the following terms;-
      1. waste
      2. waste disposal
    2. mention types of waste
    3. mention basic principles of waste disposal
  5. explain the methods of waste disposal
    1. define the following terms;-
      1. personal hygiene
      2. good manners
      3. behaviour
    2. mention principles ofpersonal hygiene
    3. mention principles of good manners
    4. mention five (5) changes that occurs in male and 5 that occurs in female during puberty
    1. define "health"
    2. what is immunity
    3. what is disease
    4. mention types of immunity
    5. mention factors that affects immunity
    1. what is;-
      1. infection
      2. communicable disease
      3. non-comunicable disease
      4. mention common diseases
    2. define STD's,STI's,HIV and AIDS
    3. write formular for reletive density (r.d)
    4. explain the cause,symptoms and prevations of HIV/AIDS
  6. what is cell
    1. what is multicellular
    2. mention general theories of cell
    3. mention and explain types of cells
    1. draw prokaryotic cell
    2. draw plant cell
    3. differentiate between animal cell and plant cell
    4. what what is classification
    1. define the following;-
      1. nomenclature
      2. binomial nomenclature
      3. taxonomy
    2. mention types of classification
    3. mention importances of classification
    4. mention rules that governs binomial nomenclature
    1. write the taxonomic hierachy(ranks of classification)
    2. mention major groups of living things
    3. what is virus
    1. mention five characterics of virus as living thing and five characteristics as non-living thing
    2. mention the economic importance of virus
    3. mention the characteristics of fungi
    1. mention phyla and 2 members of each phylum of kingdom fungi
    2. mention economic importance of kingdom fungi
    3. mention divisions of kingdom plantae
    4. mention distinctive characteristics of moss plant
    5. draw a well labelled diagram of moss plant
    6. draw a well labelled diagram of fern plant
    7. mention advantages of plants
    1. define the following terms;-
      1. nutrition
      2. nutrient
      3. food
    2. mention and define types of nutrition
    3. mention mode of heterotrophic nutrition and give the short explaination of each one
    4. mention food types with short explaination
    1. define balance diet
    2. mention and explain three nutritional disorder
    1. define the following terms;-
      1. digestion
      2. heart burn
      3. photosynthesis
      4. ulcers
    2. mention enzymes that is responsible for digestion of food in almentary canal with their end products
    3. what is villus
    4. draw a well diagram of villus
    1. mention mention conditions (things) for photosynthesis to occur
    2. write complete photosyntetic equation
    3. explain the adaptation of leaf
    4. mention importance of nutrition
    1. what is;-
      1. food processing
      2. mention commo n food processing
      3. what is food preservation
      4. mention types of food preservation
    2. what is incident rays
    3. what is reflected rays
    4. differentiate between sinking and floating
  7. mention traditionalways /methods of preservation of food
  8. mention modern ways /methods of preservation of food

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