nmg AI


#info #tech

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of living beings, primarily of humans.
What exactly AI means?
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems.
How is AI used?
AI is the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity. AI enables technical systems to perceive their environment, deal with what they perceive, solve problems and act to achieve a specific goal.

What is AI system?
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation or approximation of human intelligence in machines. The goals of artificial intelligence include computer-enhanced learning, reasoning, and perception. AI is being used today across different industries from finance to healthcare.

4 main types of artificial intelligence?
Reactive machines Reactive machines are AI systems that have no memory and are task specific meaning that an input always delivers the same output
Limited memory machines The next type of AI in its evolution is limited memory
Theory of mind

now We introduce to you for the first time our own AI
we introduce to you AI(nmgAI), and for comes with very first product to our users that will help them to work best in their different activities suh as reasoning, calculation and so much more so for we introduce the nice chatNMG..... will be lauched very soon .. get intouch with us for our first product... first version will be available soon. Wlecome to the world of AI, welcome to chatNMG
Click Here Go to nmgAI

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