Quize : Physics Mid Quize

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physics quize questions-2

time :(15 minutes only) (21:30 - 21:45)

instructions :

  1. this quize consists of 4 questions with total of 10 marks
  2. answer all questions
  3. all drawings must be by pencil
  4. all writings must be by blue or black ink
  5. write your name and date in every page of your answer sheet
    1. what is friction force ?
    2. what is upthrust
    3. states archimedes' rinciple
    4. what is elasticity
    1. define "first aid kit"
    2. explain how can you help person got electric shock (5 points)
    1. states hookes law
    2. define capillarity
    3. what is atmospheric pressure
  1. define work and power

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