China Discovers A New Species Of Human

in the history : china discovers a new species of human


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this new species given the name 'dragon man'

scientists in china have discovered the skull of a completely new species of human that nicknamed as 'dragon man'.this skull was supposedly discovered in 1933,but was recently dug back up days is significantly larger than the skull of the humans from today.

but the size of the brain was likely the same.the scientists that discovered this says that the dragon men lived in east asia about 146,000 years ago.they are also claiming that this discovery could change the course of human evolution as we know it.

The latest Dragon Man discovery is only one among many other human remains discovered in China that scientists have struggled to categorize. Others have been located in Dali, Jinniushan, Hualongdong, as well as the Tibetan Plateau, and researchers have long been debating whether they represent Neanderthals, primitive Homo sapiens, another human group named Denisovans, or a completely new species unknown to us

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